Friday, May 6, 2011

Time after Time

Time after time after time.... owh how time really fly.... sedar tak sedar dah almost 1 and 1/2 months no entry from me.... so many things happen during that time... penambahan ahli baru in the family... one more meor's edition entering the family... wow... dah jadi 6 family members sekarang ni.... Alhamdulillah..praise to Allah for this precious gift...

Later on (if there is time for me) I will write entries (bnyk i have sooo many time...) about that. Sekarang ni, memang tak cukup masa, dah lama tak ada baby in the house kan... nak bukak FB pun dah malas sekarang ni, apa lagi nak berblogging and blog walking kan... masih menyesuaikan diri to new schedule... Darimi, tiap2 malam of course lah akan bangun banyak kali.. diaper change and breastfeeding... some friends suggest, breastfeeding while lying... so i don't need to get up and sit to breastfed Darimi... am trying... and now, quite dah pandai... and Darimi also loves it, as he can 'sticks' to me for a longggggggg time... hahaha... but i'm kinda afraid i might roll on him... hope not as i try to stay awake while breastfed him in lying position... and i also get used to stay awake at night nowadays... huhuhu...

Okay... this is a really short entry from me... see ya in the next entry... <3 <3 <3 to all....